Monday, 6 February 2012

Turn a cloudy day into sunshine!

Hey, this is what I wore to college today, minus the straight(ish) hair because I didn't have time, always a rush to get to the bus on time, so a pony tail is my life savior!
Whilst my sister was at the gym I used her straighteners to make my hair look a bit better. My Tony & Guy hair straighteners have been broken for a while now and I don't have any money to replace them because I'm using all my money to save up for more interesting things. But I think that I'm going to start wearing a centre parting because I have had a side fringe/block fringe for such a long time. I can't wait to be able to plait my fringe for the spring/summer.

The bottom two photographs are my started preparations for the bunting for my get together for Women's International Day and from that process I learnt how to use a scanner - starting to catch up with I.T technology. I did laugh at myself when I realized that I was a teapot necklace when on the pictures of the triangles there is cakes & I was thinking of doing a Tea & Cake party- subconscious messages hidden in the form of jewelry.
 It is exciting to start getting my actions together, and hopefully I will do a lot more for it over the half-term. 

"Roses are red, Vinyl is black, Skip the bouquet and send me a stack." - this proper made me smile when I read it.(:

Love Emma, <3 

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