Saturday, 11 February 2012

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde :)

 Hey, today I volunteered in the charity shop and it was great, we have some of the nicest people come, like this couple who brought us a box of Danish Cookies which were so delicious and people just make me smile so much in there, it truly makes me happy just helping others out & Siobhan came to visit me as well which was nice. I thought I would do an outfit post because today was the first time I have worn the  jacket from Millers with pearly buttons and tassels on the shoulders. It has just been sitting in my wardrobe for so long now, deserved to be worn :)

The very intricate detailing on my cardigan which I wore today, it is so pretty :)

Latest addition to the jumper collection, £1:50 from the Wales Air Ambulance charity shop, It is such a great design and I love the detailing on it :)

Also, from the charity shop this book which is a travel guide for South India, I have always wanted to go there. So, hopefully this will help and inspire me to achieve that dream in the future.
"A good traveler has no fixed plan, and is not intent on arriving."

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend :) Love Emma, <3

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