Thursday, 12 January 2012

You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.

Hello. Happy 2012! I hope this year is bringing everyone happiness and peace.
This is what I wore today for college.

First Picture of 2012-12.01.2012 :)

This jumper is French and from the Welsh Air Ambulance. & Today was the first time I've worn it properly and I've had it a while. :)

I just love the delicate detailing of this collar. -Shirt Brought from the Welsh Air Ambulance. Tea cup necklace - Primark

I knew some time this month I would find my Extended Project grade and today I found what grade I got and I'm so happy with my grade B. I am so happy with that because I really enjoyed researching the project and visiting different religious places. It was amazing to have a better understanding about marriage and divorce within Christianity and Islam. I would completely recommend doing the Extended Project Qualification because if you do the research on a topic you are interested in then you will enjoy it even more.

Hopefully I will be able to update this Blog more often after exams finish, been busy revising for the Theology, History re-sits and Sociology A.2 & 3 general studies exams.
Also on the university front I'm so happy that I have 3 Conditional offers and 1 interview.
It means so much to me and from the heart I never expected any offers so to have replies so quickly is beyond amazing. When I started sixth form I was surprised that I even got in but looking back it was the opportunity and motivation I needed to inspire me within subjects that I really enjoy.It is overwhelming that now I am thinking about the next stage of my life which will be here by the end of this year. It's so exciting but a scary thought.

I set myself the goal of booking and passing my Theory Driving test by the end of March. Aw, I can't wait to learn to drive! :)

Love Emma <3

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