Saturday, 14 January 2012

Fortify yourself with contentment.

My outfit from today just casual but I have gained so much love for this shirt recently.
The pattern is certainly very out there and making a bright bold statement but the way the dress looks is nice, I think. From the Welsh Air Ambulance charity shop.

This is the necklace I am wearing in the above pictures which I brought from the Oxfam Charity shop today, whilst waiting for my friend to finish her shift volunteering there. I just love that Celtic design and seeing as I'm from the rainy lands very relevant. & an absolute bargain.

Here is the necklace pictured above with this bracelet which was an absolute diamond find at just 99p

This necklaces were from Accessorize which I brought on Friday. The sale of the jewelry in Accessorize was absolutely amazing this year I thought. These necklaces were 70% off and it seemed to include some amazing things. Both of these necklaces cost   £3:30 which completely shocked me. I've wanted the umbrella necklace since I first seen but I never seemed to have enough money for it. & I think it will be a cute necklace to wear when it is raining. & the Rhino necklace is just as lovely.

The love sign is new for my decorative corner of in my room and quite a bargain I thought at £2.

& I'm going to the Freedom Theology conference in Oxford on the 3rd of February and I'm just so excited to go because I have never been to oxford before and I really would love to hear the theologians talk,should be an amazing opportunity & hopefully something I can talk about in my interview soon.
& my Oxfam host's pack came today for organising a get-together for International Women's Day on the 8th March. Aw, I am so excited about that too and I really am going to start focusing on planning it as soon as that final exam ends. I think it is important to think about the inspirational women of our country and other places as well because there amazing women all over the world and they deserve to be celebrated.
"Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of the mind rather than outward circumstances." - beautiful quote.

Stay happy, love Emma <3

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