Sunday, 4 March 2012

"You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself” - Buddha!"

Heya Beautiful People,
Today, I went on a bike ride with my little sister and her friend, and the first photo they took and I was supposed to pull a funny face - the :P is always the one to rock! The jumper is an old school Dorthy Perkins one from a charity shop. My trousers and boots got incredibly muddy because the sister and her friend thought it would be incredible to go through every muddy puddle on the canal & I suppose it was, it was a lovely bike ride apart from the cold and We all enjoyed the picnic of sweets on the side of the canal wall! 

The red teapot is just so cool and it will be perfect for my Oxfam tea party & the With Love little sign was something I found in the charity shop but its cute. Reading this Buddhism book has been like a gift to me over the last few days and it has been great re-reading it again in preparation for my interview for the Study of Religion in Manchester, on the 7th of March, I am so excited to see the vibrant city and hopefully the course and the people will be as amazing as I thought when I read the prospectus. The flowers are from my aunty when she was here and just a pretty thing to look at. The bunting is also for my Oxfam tea party and I just absolutely love all the different patterns and it looks so pretty and girly. The last picture is my doodling and quick plan of what I am going to put on my invites.

March is a very exciting month for me - busy and going to lots of places travelling around on the train, plane and bus. I love travelling and going to new places because its an adventure which is freedom and independence and I love that. 

Hope everyone has has a great weekend and has an amazing week :) 
Love Emma<3

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