Friday, 30 March 2012

Little Wing

Close up of the dress which really shows the pattern in a more focused view.
Hello, this is outfit that I wore today this pretty floral dress from Urban Outfitters in Leeds (the biggest Urban Outfitters I've been too) and I just wore this T-shirt from H&M over the top of it, I love the design and the spring time vibe. The cardigan is from Top Shop a while ago and I have got so many uses out of it & it has swallows on it which is pretty but you can't see them.

(sorry for seeing the camera strap in this photo but it wasn't cooperating.)
Also, I am wearing the £1 boat shoes which are blue and brown which I got from a charity shop and I was so excited when I spotted them because my moccasins which I wore to death on an almost daily basis finally gave up the fight. However, I do hope to get some more moccasins like those ones because they are so beautiful and comfy to wear.

& I really do think I take way too many pictures of flowers but these red tulips are so pretty. 

I have been really busy with college, life recently and revision for A levels. I have been busy going back and forth to Birmingham and went to Poland for the day in connection with the Lessons from Auschwitz which I will be talking and sharing my personal experiences on in a blog post soon.

 (The Amazing song by Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing! has been the inspiration of my blog title and the music I wrote this blog post too.) 

With Love, Emma <3

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