Saturday, 26 November 2011

The White Ribbon Campaign!

The White Ribbon Campaign was first launched 1991 by a group of men in Canada following the mass murder of 14 female students in Montreal. The 25th November is the date which offically recgnised by the UN as the International Day Against Violence Against Women - This began in July 1981 when women across Latin America came together to protest against the extent and diversity of violence against women. Now  Men and Women are working together to end violence against women and men. The event in Brecon Cathedral was organised by Joyce Watson in partnership with Brecknock Women's Aid. It really inspired me!
I really love how the candles we lit for the victims of of domestic abuse is shaped in a heart because that is what the victims of any type of abuse need. They need the love and support of people around them who will listen.

Me & Siobhan standing by the lit candles.

If you or anyone you know are facing any kind of abuse whether it is in a relationship/marriage, sexual abuse, grooming or rape or human trafficking, I urge you to gain help from Women's Aid,contact the police or other charities which can give you valuable advivce.
Don't suffer in silence because there are many people who will help to support you without judging you; remember that you are not alone in the world and there will always be a person willing to help you deal with these situations whether you are male or female.

Thank you to all the people who contributed to the evening, it was a wonderful service and really made me appreciate how lucky I am to be free from violence but it made me really empathise with the women and men who face the violence on a daily basis.
Thank you to all the people I spoke to about Human Trafficking who gave me contacts to talk to which shows how Soroptimists International have raised real awareness of the effects of Human Trafficking.
Thank you so much to My Mum and Siobhan for coming with me.

Love Emma,X

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